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Announcement of the International Competition for the Corridor Design of Jiaoyi Bay Slow Traffic System
in Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area

一、项目概况 Project Overview
Binhaiwan Bay Area is located at the geometric center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the core position of the Golden Inner Bay. The Jiaoyi Bay area, as a key area for the recent construction and development of Binhaiwan Bay Area, has completed a number of high-quality industrial projects, such as the Cultural and Sports Park, the Miao Stream Ecological Corridor and so on, and there is an urgent need for it to construct a high-quality slow traffic system. The Corridor of Jiaoyi Bay Slow Traffic System is located at the intersection of Binhaiwan Avenue and Xinghai Road in the Jiaoyi Bay area, which is also the junction of the three major slow traffic vitality points: the Cultural and Sports Park, the Miao Stream Ecological Corridor, and the Gold Coast.
To build a high-quality slow traffic system for Binhaiwan Bay Area, optimize the layout of three-dimensional slow traffic facilities, and transform the Corridor of Jiaoyi Bay Slow Traffic System into an iconic landscape node of Binhaiwan Bay Area, an international competition for the corridor design of Jiaoyi Bay Slow Traffic System in Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area is specially launched.

项目区位 Site Location

二、竞赛内容及范围 Competition Contents and Scopes
The research scope of this Competition extends north to Dongwan Avenue, south to the coastline of Jiaoyi Bay, west to the planned secondary road of Sha Stream, and east to the planned secondary road of Miao Stream, covering a total area of 65.4 hectares.

设计研究范围示意图 Design Research Scope

The design scope includes the bridge design and the node space design of the bridge landing zone. The location of the bridge and the scope of the landing point in the diagram are schematic scope (not red line scope), which means the specific location of the bridge, the plane line, the location of the landing point should be combined with the surrounding land conditions, river navigation, flood control and other requirements for integrated consideration and recommendations. The Corridor should be connected to the Longmiao section of the Gold Coast, the ecological seawall section of the Gold Coast, the Miao Stream ecological promenade and the Cultural & Sports Park. There is no specific requirement for the scope of the landing zone, and no restriction on the plane line of the bridge.

设计范围示意图 Design Scope

三、工作规则 Working Rules
1、组织形式 Organization Process

For this International Competition, open registration is adopted worldwide to attract outstanding design teams, and no threshold in terms of qualification certificates is set. 8 design teams (including consortia, similarly hereinafter) will be shortlisted through prequalification to take part in the subsequent design competition. The details are as follows:
公开发布国际竞赛公告、工作规则和技术任务书,在全球范围内公开征集设计机构,组织资格预审委员会对各设计机构提交的报名资料进行评审,从中择优选取8家设计机构进入设计竞赛环节,同时选出 2 家备选机构,如入围机构退出则备选机构依序替补。
Prequalification: The registration announcement, working rules and design brief of the International Competition will be published to attract design teams from all over the world. A Prequalification Committee will be set up to review the registration documents submitted by applicants, and 8 design teams will be shortlisted to take part in the subsequent design competition. At the same time, 2 alternatives will be selected. In case any shortlisted team quits, they can take its place in order.
Site visit & Q&A: A site visit will be organized for the shortlisted teams and a Q&A session will be held.
Design review: Experts in the fields of architecture, landscape, and structure etc. will be invited to form the Design Review Committee. After reading the design brochures, watching the multimedia demonstration and listening to the presentation and clarification by the design teams, the Design Review Committee will , with full discussion, select 3 recommended proposals to the Host for final selection in accordance with relevant procedures.
Bid finalization: In the light of the experts’ evaluation comments and the specific circumstances of the project implementation, the Host will determine the specific ranking of the 3 recommended proposals, with the first place being the winning proposal. The first place winner will be required to fully absorb the advantages of the other proposals, integrate and deepen the design by taking into account the comments of the experts and the opinions of relevant management departments, and submit the final design results.

2、时间计划(暂定) Schedule (Provisional)





Aug. 22, 2023

Announcement release

Before 16:00, Sept. 20, 2023

Online registration by design teams

Before 16:00, Sept. 25, 2023

Submission of printed registration documents by design teams

Sept. 27, 2023

Prequalification meeting

Sept. 28, 2023

Announcement of the prequalification results

Design Competition

Oct. 8, 2023

Site visit and Q&A

Before 16:00, Dec. 7, 2023

Submission of deliverables by design teams

Dec. 8, 2023

Design review meeting

Mid-December 2023

Bid finalization

Dec. 2023

Announcement of the final competition results

Note: The timetable above is applied in Beijing Time. The Host reserves the right to amend the agenda.

四、相关费用 Fees

The design fees of this International Competition include the design compensation, bonus and fee of design integration and detailing, with a total sum of RMB Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥3,900,000.00). The details are as follows:
1、设计补偿费 Design Compensation
For the 8 design teams shortlisted in the prequalification stage, each can receive the design compensation of RMB Two Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥200,000.00) (tax included), provided their submittals meet requirements set in the Design Brief and are evaluated by the Design Review Committee as qualified.
2、奖金 Bonus
After the experts’ review and final selection on the submittals, the first place winner can receive a bonus of RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥800,000.00) (tax included). And the second and third place winners can each receive a bonus of RMB Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Yuan (¥250,000.00) (tax included).
3、成果整合深化设计费 Fee of Design Integration and Detailing
The fee of design integration and detailing will be RMB One Million Yuan (¥1,000,000.00) (tax included).

The first place winner will also receive the design integration and detailing task. The team shall fully absorb the advantages of the other proposals, integrate and deepen the design by taking into account the comments of the experts and the opinions of relevant management departments, and submit the final design results. The work contents include, but are not limited to:
Complete the design detailing for the Corridor, which shall be able to guide the next-stage design but will not include design development and construction drawings.
Cooperate with the Host’s work related to design reporting, public participation, publicity and award selection, etc., and provide relevant design materials and technical support; responsible for providing design clarification to the design team of next stage, and checking that the construction drawings are in line with the design intent of the original proposal; and later in the implementation process of the Corridor, send technical staff to provide timely service according to the Host’s demand.
4、其他 Miscellaneous
If the first place winner gives up the design integration and detailing task, it can’t get the fee of design integration and detailing, and the other shortlisted teams will replace it in order, that is, the substitute will take over the design integration and detailing task and get the fee of design integration and detailing.
The second and third place winners shall attend the workshops (not exceeding 2 times and no more than 1 day per time; on-site participation) in the design integration and detailing stage, and the chief designer shall attend in person (If there are special circumstances, the chief designer can participate online and the other designers shall be arranged to attend on site).

五、 报名要求 Registration Requirements

No threshold in terms of qualification certificates is set for this International Competition. All local and international design teams with relevant bridge design experience are eligible to apply.
The applicant must be a legally registered company or organization in China or abroad; individuals and teams of individuals are not acceptable. Design companies in China shall be independent legal entities, partnerships or other organizations. Design companies with the following relationships can not apply as more than one entrant at the same time:
1)Legal entities (two or more) with the same legal representative;
2)The parent company, sole subsidiary and holding company.
Design consortia are acceptable for this International Competition. It’s encouraged that applicants are teams made up of professionals from different disciplines, such as bridge, architecture, and landscape. If applying as a consortium, the Consortium Agreement shall be submitted, in which the leading party shall be specified. Members of a consortium may not register twice for the Competition in their own name or through another consortium in the name of another firm; otherwise, they will be disqualified. Each consortium should have no more than 3 members.
The chief designer shall have relevant bridge design experience, who must be responsible for key design works of this project, as well as important briefing meetings required by the Host. These important briefing meetings will include the site visit, Q&A session and the design review presentation, and the chief designer shall attend the latter presentation in person. If the chief designer is unable to attend these activities under special circumstances, the design team shall submit a written application to the Host and, with the Host’s consent, a substitute may attend the activities. If the chief designer is absent from the above activities without the consent of the Host, the Host has the right to disqualify the design team from this Competition. In addition, without the written consent of the Host, the chief designer and the chief discipline leader shall not be replaced midway.
Design teams with following similar project experience will enjoy certain priority:
1) With rich pedestrian corridor design experience and cases;
2) With rich design experience and cases of municipal and landscape bridge projects;
3) With rich experience and cases of public landscape and environment creation.
If the first place winner doesn’t have the integrated Class-A engineering design qualification, or the Class-A design qualification for the municipal industry, or the Class-A professional design qualification for bridge and road engineering in the municipal industry, it shall cooperate with a domestic design company with relevant design qualification that meets these requirements to participate in the subsequent design detailing.

六、报名方式 Registration

Design teams that are interested in applying for this International Competition please visit the website: https://jinshuju.net/f/M8WoyO or scan the following QR code to fill in the registration information for online registration before 16:00, Sept. 20, 2023, and submit the printed registration documents and their electronic version before 16:00, Sept. 25, 2023.

七、组织机构 Organization
Host: Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area Management Committee
Organizer: Natural Resources Bureau of Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area
Engineering Construction Center of Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area

八、报名咨询 Enquiry

联系人:张工 电话:+86 136 3160 0111/+86-755-8290 7866
    周工 电话:+86 132 6557 2115
Contact:Mr. Zhang Tel: +86 136 160 0111 /+86-755-8290 7866
     Ms. Zhou Tel: +86 132 6557 2115
Enquiry Email:bhw2023@qq.com

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