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Temporal and Value Conception in Urban Form

摘 要 城市形态与城市记忆之间保持着紧密的联系。但是当前城市规模的改造与频繁的更新不仅使城市物质形态丧失记录真实历史的功能,同时也给城市社群带来种种的记忆认知、认同问题。该文通过理论推导和实证研究,阐述了城市形态在纵向历史的时间观和横向空间结构的价值取向。经过分析认为,设计者应以连续动态的时间观来看待城市形态的演变以及城市历史层级化的过程。并且,城市形态的构建也应切实反映公众、集体的利益,使其在社群交流互动中达成认同。

关键词 集体记忆 城市 时间观 价值取向

AbstractUrban form has close association with collective memory of city. However,urban physical form lost function of recording true history in the process of sweeping and frequent urban conversion and renewal nowadays. At the same time, all kind of issues on social cognition and identity came forth. The article researched on temporal conceptions in dimension of lognitudinal history and value conception in dimension of transverse space structure by logical discursion and case study. As a result, it pointed out that designers should take a dynamic viewpoint to evolution of urban form and layered history of city. And public and collective interests should be represented in urban form to maintain identity in intercourses of different social groups.

Key Words Collective memory, City, Temporal conception, Value conception


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